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Corporate Overview

  • ProvideB the best Products
  • The R&D Priority
  • A Global Best Partner

Provide the best Products for the people

After returning from the USA in 1925, Dr. Ilhan New witnessed the hardship in his country under Japanese imperialism. He founded the Yuhan corporation in 1926 with the belief that only healthy people could reclaim their sovereignty and he sought to solve widespread public health problems. Over 80 years, the founding creed to make the best medicines and contribute to public health has been succeeded by us through our intense research and development activities and successful collaboration with multinational pharmaceutical companies. As a result, Yuhan is one of the most respected companies in Korea for 20 consecutive years, according to the annual Korean Management Association Consulting (KMAC) survey.

Yuhan has been playing active role in global citizenship since its foundation in 1926. Even before global citizenship was conceptualized, Dr. New believed that was the duty and responsibility of business to develop itself for the prosperity of all society, and his own personal commitment to this was the donation of all of his personal property throughout his life up until his death. Yuhan is continuously making its social contribution by establishing a system where part of the company’s profits is returned to society. This endeavor has been domestically and internationally recognized through various organizations and publications.

The R&D Priority

Yuhan has always emphasized research and development as its top corporate priority. The company approaches R&D through innovative, nimble and translational methodologies. This three-fold dynamic allows Yuhan to continue its over-arching commitment to enhancing quality of life. True to the company’s founding mission, Yuhan focuses its R&D efforts on developing the kinds of products people need most. By developing therapies for treating inflammatory, autoimmune, oncologic and metabolic diseases, Yuhan has significantly advanced the science and understanding of these prevalent disease processes. This rich body of knowledge and wealth of experience positions Yuhan on the cutting edge for developing unique, innovative, finished products and to partnering successfully with other developers.

Yuhan: A Global Best Partner

Equipped with state-of-the-art research capabilities and manufacturing facilities compliant with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) regulations, Yuhan is growing into a global pharmaceutical company that offers one-stop custom synthesis services from R&D to commercial production of active pharmaceutical products (APIs) and intermediates. Yuhan has undergone successful audits by many international regulatory agencies such as the FDA, the European Medicines Agency and the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EMEA/EDQM), Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Amdinistration (TGA) and Japan’s Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA).

Yuhan’s overseas business activities include :

  • New drug development projects with multinational partners
  • Developing and optimizing cost-effective synthetic processes for APIs and intermediates
  • Providing quality APIs and intermediates for commercial use and for use in clinical studies

Yuhan has successfully provided high-quality APIs and intermediates for the following disease treatments: antivirals (HCV and HIV), antibiotics, antihistamines, antidiabetics, beta-lactamase inhibitors, CNS intermediates, and PEGylated compounds for international markets.
Yuhan continues to expand its overseas markets by supplying finished products. The process began in 2010 with the out-licensing to China of Yuhan’s Revanex, the world’s first acid pump antagonist (APA). Revanex is now supplied world-wide to India, Southeast Asia, South America and the Middle East, improving the health and quality of life for individuals suffering from peptic ulcers and gastritis-related mucosal injury.