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Key research facilities

Current key facilities at the Central Research Institute

Yuhan Corporation has one of the largest research facilities among all Korean pharmaceutical firms.
The Central Research Instistute operates a number of cutting-edge equipment and facilities, including those that
are essential for the exploration of candidates for new drugs and evaluation of their efficacy. NMR spectrometers,
LC-MS, XRD, AKTA Avant 150 and cell culture labs are also in place. Equipment for research on new product form
(such as multi-layer tablet press machine or one-pots), IVIS spectrum analyzing device and animal testing equip-
ment as approved of by the regulatory authorities all add to the arsenal of Yuhan's R&D capabilities.

  • LC-MS실 LC-MS실 LC-MS실


  • 단백질 정제시스템 단백질 정제시스템 단백질 정제시스템

  • One-pot One-pot One-pot

  • NMR Spectrometer NMR Spectrometer NMR Spectrometer

  • 세포배양실 세포배양실 세포배양실

  • 다층타정기 다층타정기 다층타정기

  • 시료분석실 시료분석실 시료분석실

  • IVIS Spectrum IVIS Spectrum IVIS Spectrum